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Title Function(s) Composer # Sources
Montes commovebuntur - Ego sum ipse Maistre, Matthaeus le c.1505–1577 5
Liber primus sacrarum cantionum quas ... (RISM L1844) Liber primus sacrarum cantionum quas vulgo moteta vocant Dresden: Bergen, Gimel, 1570 (Partbook, Print) RISM #2 g2 g2 c2 c3 f3 Attrib: Matthaeo Le Maistre
Montes et colles cantabunt Lambardi, Girolamo fl.1586–1623 4
Antiphonae omnes iuxta ritum Romani b... (RISM L367b) Antiphonae omnes iuxta ritum Romani breviarii pro totius anni dominicis diebus in primis, & secundis vesperis nunc primum ... Secunda pars Venice: Caenobio Sancti Spiritus, 1600 (Choirbook, Print) RISM #10 c1 c3 c3 f3 Attrib: Hieronymo Lambardo
Montes et colles cantabunt coram Deo Massaino, Tiburtio before 1550–after 1608 8
Sacri modulorum concentus 8. 9. 10. 1... (RISM M1285) Sacri modulorum concentus 8. 9. 10. 12. 15. ac 16. vocum concinendi Venice: Gardano, Angelo, 1606 (Partbook, Print) RISM #14 g2 g2 c2 c2 c3 c3 f3 f3 Attrib: Tiburtii Massaini
Montes et omnes colles humiliabuntur Lambardi, Girolamo fl.1586–1623 4
Antiphonae omnes iuxta ritum Romani b... (RISM L367b) Antiphonae omnes iuxta ritum Romani breviarii pro totius anni dominicis diebus in primis, & secundis vesperis nunc primum ... Secunda pars Venice: Caenobio Sancti Spiritus, 1600 (Choirbook, Print) RISM #16 c1 c3 c3 f3 Attrib: Hieronymo Lambardo
Montes Gelboe necros Lambardi, Girolamo fl.1586–1623 4
Antiphonae omnes iuxta ritum Romani b... (RISM L367a) Antiphonae omnes iuxta ritum Romani breviarii pro totius anni dominicis diebus in primis, & secundis vesperis nunc primum ... Prima pars Venice: Caenobio Sancti Spiritus, 1600 (Choirbook, Print) RISM #27 c1 c3 c3 f3 Attrib: Hieronymo Lambardo
Montes Gelboe - Quomodo ceciderunt Viadana, Lodovico c.1540-1560–1627 2
Cento concerti ecclesiastici, a una, ... (RISM V1363) Cento concerti ecclesiastici, a una, a due, a tre, & a quattro voci con il basso continuo per sonar nell'organo ... 4. impressione Venice: Vincenti, Giacomo, 1605 (Partbook, Print) RISM #46 c1 f4 org Attrib: Lodovico Viadana
Montes Israel ramos vestros Nucius, Johannes c.1556–1620 5
Cantionum sacrarum diversarum vocum l... (RISM N808) Cantionum sacrarum diversarum vocum liber secundus Legnica: Sartorius, Nicolaus, 1609 (Partbook, Print) RISM #9 g2 g2 c2 c3 f3 Attrib: Johannis Nucii
Montez soubdain que la beste ne rue Fresneau, Henry fl.1538–1554 4
Le Parangon des chansons. Septiesme l... (RISM 1540/17) Le Parangon des chansons. Septiesme livre contenant xxvii. chansons nouvelles au singulier prouffit: & delectation des Musiciens Lyon: Moderne, Jacques, 1540 (Tablebook, Print) RISM #16 g2 c2 c3 f3 Attrib: H. Fresneau
Monti selve fontane Casulana, Maddalena c.1544–c.1590 4
Il secondo libro de madrigali a quatt... (RISM C1518) Il secondo libro de madrigali a quattro voci Venice: Scotto, Girolamo, 1570 (Partbook, Print) RISM #9 g2 c1 c2 c4 Attrib: Madalena Casulana
Montis in abrupto Kessler, Wendelin fl.1572–1580 5
Selectae aliquot et omnibus fere musi... (RISM K492) Selectae aliquot et omnibus fere musicalium instrumentorum generibus accommodatissimae cantiones super evangelia, quae diebus dominicis et praecipuis sanctorum festis, ab adventu resurrectionem usque Christi, solent tractari Wittenberg: Lehmann, Zacharias, 1582 (Partbook, Print) RISM #15 g2 c2 c3 c3 f3 Attrib: Wwendelino Kesslero Cantharo
Montium nullas iuga Ballestra, Reimundo d.1634 7
Sacrae symphoniae ... septem, octo, d... (RISM B769) Sacrae symphoniae ... septem, octo, decem, duodecim vocibus, liber primus, editio nova Venice: Gardano, Angelo, 1611 (Partbook, Print) RISM #4 c1 c1 c3 c3 c4 c4 f4 org Attrib: Reimvndi Ballestrae
More than most faire - Thou window Peerson, Martin 1571-1573–1651 5
Mottects or grave Chamber Musique Con... (RISM P1136) Mottects or grave Chamber Musique Containing Songs of five parts of severall sorts, some ful, and some Verse and Chorus. But all fit for Voyces and Viols, with an Organ Part; which for want of Organs, may be performed on Virginals, Bass-Lute, Bandora, or Irish Harpe. London: Stansby, William, 1630 (Partbook, Print) RISM #2 c1 c1 c3 c4 f4 org Attrib: Martin Peerson
Moriens lux amoenissima qui in cruce Mouton, Jean before 1459–1522 5
Rusconi Codex (I-Bc Q.19) Bologna, c.1518 (Choirbook, MS) #2 c1 c3 c4 c4 f4 Attrib: Motó Tenor CF: Tibi soli peccavi
Libro primo De la fortuna (RISM c.1530/1) [?Rome]: Judici, Nicolo de, c.1526-c.1530 (Partbook, Print) RISM #5 c1 c3 c4 c4 f4 Attrib: Jo mouton
Morì quasi il mio core Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da c.1525–1594 4
Il secondo libro de madrigali a quatr... (RISM P763) Il secondo libro de madrigali a quatro voci Venice: Scotto, Girolamo, 1586 (Partbook, Print) RISM #14 g2 c2 c3 f3 Attrib: Giovanni Patreloysio da Palestina
Morir daimer a dame si jolye Anon 4
Chansonnier de Zeghere van Male (F-CA 125-8) Cambrai, 1542 (Partbook, MS) #118 c2 c4 c4 f4 Attrib: Anon Appenzeller
Morir non può'l mio core Nanino, Giovanni Maria 1543/1544–1607 5
The first sett, of Italian Madrigalls... (RISM 1590/29) The first sett, of Italian Madrigalls Englished London: East, Thomas, 1590 (Partbook, Print) RISM #19 g2 g2 c2 c3 f3 Attrib: Giov. Maria Nanino as All ye that joy in wailing
Morning service Merbecke, John c.1505–c.1585 1
The booke of common praier noted (RISM M2281) [London]: Grafton, Richard, 1550 (Partbook, Print) RISM #1 c4 Attrib: John Merbecke Various chant clefs
Morning service (Service) Bevin, Elway c.1554–1638 4
Chirk Castle Partbooks (US-NYp Mus. Res. *MNZ (Chirk) [1-4]) Wrexham, c.1618-c.1633 (Partbook, MS) RISM #24 c2 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: mr Elway Bevin of Bristoll: Organist Te/Bs/Ky/Cr
Morning service (Service) Tozer, Solomon 4
Chirk Castle Partbooks (US-NYp Mus. Res. *MNZ (Chirk) [1-4]) Wrexham, c.1618-c.1633 (Partbook, MS) RISM #26 c1 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: mr Tozer of Exeter St Peters Te/Ju
Morning service (Service) Deane, William c.1575–c.1638 4
Chirk Castle Partbooks (US-NYp Mus. Res. *MNZ (Chirk) [1-4]) Wrexham, c.1618-c.1633 (Partbook, MS) RISM #27 c3 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: mr Deane Te/Ju/Ky
Morning service (Service) Mundy, William c.1529–1591 Mundy, John c.1555–1630 5
Chirk Castle Partbooks (US-NYp Mus. Res. *MNZ (Chirk) [1-4]) Wrexham, c.1618-c.1633 (Partbook, MS) RISM #33 c2 c2 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: mr mundie Te/Bs
Morning Service (Service) Heath 4
Mornyng and Evenyng prayer and Commun... (RISM 1565/4) Mornyng and Evenyng prayer and Communion, set forthe in foure partes, to be song in churches, both for men and children, wyth dyvers other godly prayers & Anthems, of sundry mens doynges London: Day, John, 1565 (Partbook, Print) RISM #10 c2c3 c3c4 c4 c5f4 Attrib: Heath Venite, Te Deum, Benedictus
Morning Service [I] (Service) Caustun, Thomas c.1520-1525–1569 4
Mornyng and Evenyng prayer and Commun... (RISM 1565/4) Mornyng and Evenyng prayer and Communion, set forthe in foure partes, to be song in churches, both for men and children, wyth dyvers other godly prayers & Anthems, of sundry mens doynges London: Day, John, 1565 (Partbook, Print) RISM #1 c3 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: Thomas Caustun Venite, Te Deum, Benedictus
Morning Service [II] (Service) Caustun, Thomas c.1520-1525–1569 4
Mornyng and Evenyng prayer and Commun... (RISM 1565/4) Mornyng and Evenyng prayer and Communion, set forthe in foure partes, to be song in churches, both for men and children, wyth dyvers other godly prayers & Anthems, of sundry mens doynges London: Day, John, 1565 (Partbook, Print) RISM #16 c2 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: Thomas Caustun Venite, Te Deum, Benedictus
Moro e mentre sospiro - Quando di lui la sospirata vita Gesualdo, Carlo 1566–1613 5
Madrigali del Venosa. Libro quarto. A... (RISM G1738) Madrigali del Venosa. Libro quarto. A Cinque Voci. Terza Impressione Venice: Magni, Bartolomeo, 1616 (Partbook, Print) RISM #9 c1 c2 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: Venosa

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