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Title Function(s) Composer # Sources
Hic est vere martyr Lodi, Giovanni da 8
(V-CVbav Capp.Giulia. XIII.25) (Partbook, MS) #13 c1 c1 c1 c3 c3 c4 f3 f4 org Attrib: Gio: da Lodi
Hic est vere martyr Pace, Pietro 1559–1622 3
L'Ottavo libro de motetti a una, due,... (RISM P11) L'Ottavo libro de motetti a una, due, tre, e quattro voci. Con il salmo Dixit, & Magnificat, a sei voci, il tutto concertati Rome: Soldi, Luca Antonio, 1619 (Partbook, Print) RISM #12 c1 c1 c3 org Attrib: Pietro Pace
Hic est vere martyr Cifra, Antonio 1584–1629 8
Vesperae et motecta octonis vocibus d... (RISM C2187) Vesperae et motecta octonis vocibus decantanda Rome: Zannetti, Bartolomeo, 1610 (Partbook, Print) RISM #9 g2 g2 c2 c2 c3 c3 f3 f3 Attrib: Antonio Ciffra
Hic est vere martyr Gussago, Cesario fl.1599–1612 3
Sacrae laudes in Christi Domini beata... (RISM G5167) Sacrae laudes in Christi Domini beatae Mariae virginis omniumquae sanctorum solemnitatibus. Tribus vocibus concinendae cum sectione partium Venice: Amadino, Ricciardo, 1612 (Partbook, Print) RISM #4 g2 g2 f3 Attrib: Cesarii Gussaghi
Hic est vere martyr Anon 4
Mottetti (I-Vsm 12) Venice (Choirbook, MS) #6 c2 c4 c4 f4 Attrib: Anon Pro uno Martire
Hic est vere martyr - Iste sanctus pro lege dei sui Porta, Costanzo c.1528–1601 6
Musica sex canenda vocibus in nonnull... (RISM P5178) Musica sex canenda vocibus in nonnulla ex sacris litteris collecta verba. Liber Primus Venice: Gardano, Antonio, 1571 (Partbook, Print) RISM #4 c1 c3 c3 c4 c4 f4 Attrib: Constantii Portae
Hic est vere martyr - Qui beatum Clemens non Papa, Jacobus c.1510–1555/1556 6
Liber septimus cantionum sacrarum vul... (RISM 1555/4) Liber septimus cantionum sacrarum vulgo mota vocant, quinque et sex vocum Leuven: Phalèse the Elder, Pierre, 1555 (Partbook, Print) RISM #14 c2 c2 c4 c4 f4 f4 Attrib: Clemens non Papa Insert name of saint
Liber septimus cantionum sacrarum v... (RISM 1556/1) Liber septimus cantionum sacrarum vulgo moteta vocant, quinque et sex vocum ex optimis quibusque Musicis selectarum Leuven: Phalèse the Elder, Pierre, 1558 (Partbook, Print) RISM #14 c2 c2 c4 c4 f4 f4 Attrib: Clemens non Papa Insert name of saint
Hic est vere propheta - Elizabeth Zachariae magnum virum genuit Anon 4
Chansonnier de Zeghere van Male (F-CA 125-8) Cambrai, 1542 (Partbook, MS) #100 c2 c2 c4 f4 Attrib: Anon
Hic fidat armis - Frustretur illos spes - Si torta vitiis - Nec denegabis - Hanc ut nepotum - Securus animus anxio - Ergo rex beate - Heu quanta vis me Servin, Jean c.1530–after 1595 5
Psalmi Davidis a G. Buchanano versibu... (RISM S2481) Psalmi Davidis a G. Buchanano versibus expressi: nunc primum modulis IIII. V. VI. VII. et VIII. vocum Lyon: Pesnot, Charles, 1579 (Partbook, Print) RISM #25 c1 c3 c4 c4 f4 Attrib: I. Servino Psalm 25
Hic Franciscus St Francis Lombardi, Bartolomeo fl.1578 5
Mottectorum liber secundus cum quinqu... (RISM L2806) Mottectorum liber secundus cum quinque vocibus Venice: Gardano, Angelo, 1578 (Partbook, Print) RISM #20 g2 c2 c3 c3 f3 Attrib: Bartholomaei Lombardi
Hic licet multi sint Gabrieli, Andrea 1532/1533–1585 Molinaro, Simone c.1570–after 1633 6
Fatiche spirituali ... Libro primo a ... (RISM M2939 (1610/2)) Fatiche spirituali ... Libro primo a sei voci Venice: Amadino, Ricciardo, 1610 (Partbook, Print) RISM #3 c1 c1 c3 c4 f3 f4 bc Attrib: Simone Molinaro, Andrea Gabrieli = Non ti faro
Hic vir despiciens mundum Nancho Alvarez The Cardinall's Musick Victoria, Tomás Luis de 1548–1611 4
Motecta festorum totius anni cum Comm... (RISM V1433) Motecta festorum totius anni cum Communi sanctorum, quae partim senis, partim quinis, partim quaternis, alia octonis vocibus concinuntur Rome: Basa, Domenico and Gardano, Alessandro, 1585 (Choirbook, Print) RISM #31 g2 c2 c3 c4 Attrib: Thomae Lvdovici a Victoria
Hic vir despiciens mundum Anon 4
(E-TUY 3) (Choirbook, MS) #9 c1 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: Anon
Hic vir despiciens mundum Bruceña, Diego de c.1567–1622 4
Liber magnificarum, missarum, et mote... ([P-MDc] Bruceña) Liber magnificarum, missarum, et motectorum Salamanca: Vázquez, Antonio and Muñoz, Susana, 1620 (Choirbook, Print) #22 c1 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: Didacvs de Brvcena
Hic vir despiciens mundum - Domine quinque talenta Nancho Alvarez Guerrero, Francisco 1528–1599 5
Motteta ... que partim quaternis, par... (RISM G4871) Motteta ... que partim quaternis, partim quinis, alia senis, alia octonis concinuntur vocibus Venice: Gardano, Antonio, 1570 (Partbook, Print) RISM #23 c1 c1 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: Francisci Gverreri
Motecta (RISM G4877) Venice: Vincenti, Giacomo, 1597 (Partbook, Print) RISM #51 c1 c1 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: Francisci Gverreri
Hidden O Lord are my most horrid sins Pilkington, Francis c.1570–1638 4
The tears or lamentacions of a sorrow... (RISM 1614/7) The tears or lamentacions of a sorrowfull soul: composed with musicall ayres and songs, both for voyces and divers instruments London: Stansby, William, 1614 (Tablebook, Print) RISM #19 c1 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: Francis Pilkington
Hide not thou thy face Farrant, Richard c.1525–1580 4
The first book of selected church mus... (RISM 1641/5) The first book of selected church musick, consisting of services and anthems, such as are now used in the cathedrall, and collegiat churches of this kingdome. Never before printed. Whereby such bookes as were heretofore with much difficulty and charges, transcribed for the use of the quire, are now to the saving of much labour and expence, publisht for the generall good of all such as shall desire them either for publick or private exercise. Collected out of divers approved authors, by Iohn Barnard one of the minor cannons of the Cathedrall Church of Saint Paul, London. London: Griffin, Edward and Barnard, John, 1641 (Partbook, Print) RISM #33 c2 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: Ric. Farrant
Hide not thou thy face Batten, Adrian 1591–1637 4
The first book of selected church mus... (RISM 1641/5) The first book of selected church musick, consisting of services and anthems, such as are now used in the cathedrall, and collegiat churches of this kingdome. Never before printed. Whereby such bookes as were heretofore with much difficulty and charges, transcribed for the use of the quire, are now to the saving of much labour and expence, publisht for the generall good of all such as shall desire them either for publick or private exercise. Collected out of divers approved authors, by Iohn Barnard one of the minor cannons of the Cathedrall Church of Saint Paul, London. London: Griffin, Edward and Barnard, John, 1641 (Partbook, Print) RISM #41 c2 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: Adri. Batten
Hiersera andai da la Ferretti, Giovanni 5
Liber secundus Gemma musicalis: Selec... (RISM 1589/8) Liber secundus Gemma musicalis: Selectissimas varii stili cantiones, quae madrigali et napolitane Italis dicuntur, quatuor, quinque, sex & plurimum vocum, continens Nuremberg: Gerlach, Katharina and Lindner, Friedrich, 1589 (Partbook, Print) RISM #57 c1 c3 c4 c4 f4 Attrib: Giovan Ferretti
High mighty God of righteousness Pilkington, Francis c.1570–1638 5
The tears or lamentacions of a sorrow... (RISM 1614/7) The tears or lamentacions of a sorrowfull soul: composed with musicall ayres and songs, both for voyces and divers instruments London: Stansby, William, 1614 (Tablebook, Print) RISM #35 c1 c1 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: Francis Pilkington
Hi in curribus et hi in equis Coclico, Adrianus Petit 1499/1500–1562 4
Musica reservata consolationes piae e... (RISM C3258) Musica reservata consolationes piae ex psalmis Davidicis ornatae suavissimis concentibus musicis, a peritissimo musico Adriano Petit Coclico Discipulo Iosquini de Pratis. Cantionum quatuor vocum Nuremberg: Berg, Johann, 1552 (Partbook, Print) RISM #37 c1 c3 c4 f3 Attrib: Adriano Petit Coclico
Hilff Gott wie geht das immer zu Meiland, Jacob 1542–1577 5
Sacrae aliquot cantiones Latinae et G... (RISM M2179) Sacrae aliquot cantiones Latinae et Germanicae, quinque et quatuor vocum, summa diligentia compositae, correctae, et iam primum in lucem editae Frankfurt: Corvinus, Georg and Feyerabend, Sigmund, 1575 (Partbook, Print) RISM #20 c1 c3 c4 c4 f4 Attrib: Iacobo Meilando Germano
Hilf fraw von Ach wie schwach Anon 4
Aus sonderer künstlicher Art und mit ... (RISM 1512/1) Aus sonderer künstlicher Art und mit höchstem Fleiss seind diss Gesangkbücher Augsburg: Oeglin, Erhard, 1512 (Partbook, Print) RISM #2 c1 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: Anon
Hilf Herr die Heiligen haben abgenommen - Weil dann die Elenden Stoltzer, Thomas c.1480–1526 6
(D-Dl Mus.1-D-3) Dresden, 1550-1560 (Partbook, MS) RISM #8 g2 c3 c3 c4 f4 f4 Attrib: Tho Stolzer
H {initial letter only} Anon 5
(D-Mbs 274) Munich: Herwart, Johann Heinrich, c.1540-c.1560 (Partbook, MS) RISM #11 c1 c3 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: Anon

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